Dog Days "Five Taboos"

Article provenance:admin │ Website editor:admin │ Update time:2023-07-25

July 11 this year officially falls, and the hottest dog days of the year have arrived. Dog days usually occur between the small heat and the end of summer, and it is the highest temperature, humid and sultry period of the year. What are the health taboos during the dog days?
Chufu: July 11 to July 20, 2023
Zhongfu: July 21 to August 9, 2023
Mofu: August 10th to August 19th, 2023
  • Eat cold drinks properly to relieve heat, and eating a lot of them will hurt your body. Long-term excessive cold food entering the stomach will constrict the blood vessels under the gastric mucosa, thin the mucosa, or cause mucosal edema or even erosion. In summer, the human body's metabolism is fast, and the blood vessels are in a state of expansion. Sudden consumption of cold drinks will cause rapid contraction of blood vessels, cause blood pressure fluctuations, and easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.
Suggestion: eat a balanced diet, eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Eat cold drinks in moderation and don't be greedy for cold drinks.
  • The weather is sultry and hot in dog days, and many people eat vegetables and fruits every day. This approach is not healthy, and it is not advisable to have three meals based on fruits. If we only pay attention to vegetables and fruits, it is difficult to meet the basic nutritional needs of the human body such as carbohydrates, minerals, and proteins. In summer, the temperature is high, the metabolism of the human body is accelerated, and the protein consumption is greatly increased. If protein is not supplemented in time, it will have adverse effects on the human endocrine system, digestive system, immune system, etc., and will lead to a sharp decline in physical fitness.
Suggestion: Generally speaking, the daily intake of protein in summer is 70 to 90 grams, and more than half of it should be high-quality protein that is easily digested and absorbed by the human body, such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, chicken, duck, eggs, milk and soy products. In addition, discomforts such as fatigue and loss of appetite in summer may also be related to potassium deficiency. Therefore, you can eat more potassium-rich green onions, celery, edamame, strawberries, apricots and other fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • The hot weather has caused many people to turn on the all-weather air-conditioning mode, and blowing the air-conditioning is especially easy to make the already tired cervical muscles worse, or even "strike".
Suggestion: The air conditioner blows against the cervical spine, which will make the muscles of the neck and back catch cold, causing back pain and so on. In summer, you should avoid blowing the air conditioner for a long time, the temperature of the air conditioner should not be lower than 26 degrees Celsius, and avoid exposing the neck and shoulder muscles to the cold wind for a long time.
  • Sweat is sticky, smells bad, stains clothes, and is uncomfortable when you sweat. Therefore, many people try to avoid sweating and reduce sweating, use air conditioners, do not exercise, use antiperspirant lotion... In fact, sweating in dog days is the best "tonic" for the human body.
Suggestion: Normal sweating is good for health. Sweating can mobilize the functions of the whole body organs and improve circulation. Proper sweating can also help to expel dampness and heat toxins in the body, and people become energetic.
  • "Practice three days in winter, practice three days in summer" is sought after by many people, and many people still insist on exercising while sweating profusely. Little do they know that profuse sweating will consume the body's yang energy and body fluid, especially middle-aged and elderly people must not exercise excessively in midsummer. Because sweating a lot can lead to thick blood, which can easily cause heart disease and cerebral infarction.
Suggestion: To preserve one's health during the dog days, one should avoid the summer heat and keep quiet to nourish the heart, and exercise moderately. Exercise in summer must avoid high temperatures, and do it in a cool place and at a cool time. You can try walking exercises, and walk briskly for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, preferably with a little sweating.